MHLS working on national infrastructure and essential works projects

2021-01-18T09:23:29+00:00January 15th, 2021|Buildings, Laser Scanning, Photos in the Field|

A New Year and another new project for Malcolm Hughes incorporating laser scanning and UAV surveys. We are working nationally on various national infrastructure and essential works projects. All jobs are being dynamically risk-assessed in line with and above the Government guidelines.

Foss River Bed Survey – City of York Council

2021-01-18T09:24:56+00:00February 12th, 2019|Hydrographic, Photos in the Field|

An interesting video from the City of York Council, featuring Mike from Malcolm Hughes. Mike and the team of surveyors carried out a river bed surveys on the River Foss to measure the water depth and condition of the water bed. They also performed topographical surveys of the surrounding area.

“I didn’t know it was there!”

2021-01-18T09:25:01+00:00February 8th, 2019|Photos in the Field, Underground|

A recent news article highlights the problems with vital underground utilities, the lack of knowledge when digging/breaking ground and how this lack of understanding can drastically effect the lives of others and at a substantial financial cost! Here at Malcolm Hughes we use a consultancy and advisory approach to the

Utility Mapping in Glasgow

2021-01-18T09:26:15+00:00March 26th, 2018|Photos in the Field, Underground|

This week Malcolm Hughes have been working in Glasgow undertaking utility mapping surveys in various locations to aid the design of road improvements. Each survey location was surveyed using both Electromagnetic Location (EML) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technologies and the survey methodology was undertaken to our standard specification which

40 Years In Surveying

2021-01-18T09:26:26+00:00February 28th, 2018|Hydrographic, Photos in the Field, Staff, Topographical|

William Montgomery, Malcolm Hughes Surveyor. Today sees the retirement of William Montgomery, a surveyor at Malcolm Hughes for over thirty years and over forty years in the surveying industry. Below he shares his knowledge of how the industry has developed and what instrumentation was used through the decades.

Stunning views in the Highlands

2021-01-18T09:26:37+00:00February 20th, 2018|Photos in the Field, Topographical|

Following on from last weeks post, here are some more stunning views of the Highlands during another project for client. Photos are courtesy of Vincent O'Kane. To learn more about how Malcolm Hughes can help you, contact us at or visit our services page for more information.

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